Looking Good In Photos, Managing Your Social Media, + Loving Your Life with Esther Ellyn

In this episode, Carly interviews photographer and social media manager, Esther Ellyn. They discuss Esther’s creative journey, her tips for people being photographed, + the role of social media. Esther also shares her perspective on Instagram reels, living an aesthetic life, + some alligator-related life advice. Finally, Esther shares about a book she is reading that Carly has read, too + she toasts jumping into her current job.

You can find Esther Ellyn on her website, Instagram, Facebook, or by email.

Resources mentioned in the episode:

Episode 19: Push Beliefs vs. Pull Beliefs

Mere Christianity

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

Book your free consultation call with Carly here.

Until next time,
